Google Shopping Ads Guide: 6 Impactful Strategies by Experts

Google Shopping Ads Guide 6 Impactful Strategies by Experts
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Google Shopping Ads, also termed Google Product Listing Ads, is one of the most impactful methods to drive sales and revenue. Google has witnessed rapid progress in improving Google Shopping for consumers while inventing new tools, ad formats, and many more to enable you to reach the audience across the globe.

It is easy to set shopping ads, but it is equally challenging to succeed in them if you cannot implement the right strategy on time. PPC Marketing Company is one of the best autonomous agencies to help you with shopping ads. The blog will present you with every detail you need to know to begin with the Google Shopping Ads. Here are the most impactful six strategies right before you, straight from the expert professionals.

What are Google Shopping Ads?

Google Shopping Ads are the lists of product-based ads which present the products searched across Google and Google Shopping. The ads are also known as Product Listing Ads (PLAs). Google Adword generates more revenue through PPC marketing strategies.

The Product Listing Ads include:

  1. Product Image
  2. Product Price
  3. Product Brand

Additional Information mentioned in the Ads includes:

  1. Reviews
  2. Promos and Offers
  3. Shipping Information

Google Shopping Ads is a highly effective marketing channel. It can make you reach individual shoppers’ specific-search queries with clickable images that remain at the top of the search result ranks.

Google Shopping Campaigns have been there for a long time. Google has introduced several powerful features over the years, like Showcase Shopping, New Smart Bidding Strategies, Local Inventory ads, Smart Shopping Campaigns, etc. It will help if you organize a product feed first that connects with your Google Merchant Center, to begin with, the venture of Google Adword Company. The process will infuse your catalog inventory with the Google Shopping Platform.

Whether you are an experienced advertiser or a novice, your ad performance will remain dependent on your capability to master these three areas:

  1. Product Feed Organization
  2. Targeting and Bidding Strategy
  3. Campaign Structure

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6 Advanced Google Shopping Ad Strategies:

1. Target New Audiences

Target New Audiences

You can draw the attention of new visitors by targeting users who share the same interest and choices as your existing remarketing members. You can add similar audiences to your campaigns or ad groups, display your ads to those who possess similar search and browse behavior and convert them into regular customers.

2. Add Geo-targeting Modifiers

The geo-based modifier is a helpful feature that allows the advertisers to alter the bid percentages depending on locations. The factors that need to be considered while setting up Geo bid modifiers for Google Shopping Ad Campaigns:

  • Determine your targeted region based on your site, audience type, and performance goals.
  • Set up differently for online and offline locations.
  • Blend customer intent and location.
  • Use mobile0ads for customers living close to the store.
  • Analyze Geo-report, location report, and customer columns
  • Exclude locations that won’t contribute to ROI and boost clicks.

3. Use your Customer Match Data

Customer Match lets you upload your customer contact numbers and email addresses into the Google Shopping Ads list. Retailers can arrange for targeted advertising campaigns to reach the audience with the help of contact information. The advantages of customer match data include:

  • Promotion of re-purchases from previous customers.
  • Up-selling and cross-selling are based on previous purchases and buying habits.
  • Boosting brand loyalty
  • Re-engaging the existing customers as they use Google Shopping
  • Re-marketing strategies in general
  • Targeting cart abandonments

Customer Match is a robust tool to let advertisers enhance their high-value audiences. Advertisers can use Customer Match to adjust bids and tailor products.

4. Be Competitive with Auction Insights

Be Competitive with Auction Insights

The professionals at Google Adwords Company in India use Google Auction Insights and compare their performance with other advertisers who participate in the same auction. The data helps the retailers make strategic decisions about bidding and budgeting choices. You can check the Auction Insights monthly or even weekly if the competition is high.

You can break out auction insights by campaigns, branded vs. non-branded impression share, device type, price, and profit margin.

5. Reach more Mobile-Shoppers

Reach more Mobile-Shoppers

The core intent of Google Shopping Ads is to help the shoppers who search for non-branded products. Google Showcase Shopping Ads appear at the top of the Google Search at a specific cost when the user searches for high-volume keywords. The PPC marketing strategies help the brands to boost their revenue per click.

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6. IncludeMerchant Promotions in your Shopping Ads

Merchant Promotions can significantly impact your shopping campaign performance and are also known as special offers. It offers the retailers an opportunity to highlight their products or services and increase the chances of click-through rate and conversion.

Online advertisers can use coupons or promotions to search and the product or store information on Google’s PLS Grid.

The benefits include:

  1. Acquisition
  2. Conversion
  3. Cost

Final Takeaways

Google Shopping Ads is an important channel to generate more revenues for any retailer, especially when positive changes in smart bidding, targeting tools, and improved inventory can better the impact of your shopping campaigns.

The Return on Investment (ROI) of your Google Shopping Ads campaigns depends on your ability to examine and optimize every aspect of your product feed to your structure.

Online Internet Marketing Company India helps you enjoy your shopping initiatives’ success and guide you to reach the peak of commercial success.

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